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Brain Survivor

This NGO called Belize Brain Awareness Society or B.B.A.S in abbreviation is one that deals with Neurological Disorders pertaining to the Human Brain. It’s created on the brilliant idea of Ms. Kaylia Nunez. The founder of this NGO Ms. Nunez had been a victim of Subarachnoid Hemorrhage secondary to anuryismatic rupture TWICE. The first of which she fell at the tender age of 25 years old in the year 2012 on May 20th, and was simply being treated for headaches and migraines at KHMH and South-side Medical Associates NHI in Belize City. After her mom realized that she was simply not getting any better she took her to a neurologist who is Dr. John Sosa. After completing the CAT Scan and medical checkup he quickly diagnose Ms. Nunez and ordered her to be hospital within the next 15 minutes before death steps in. After being treated and went back to live a normal life, Ms. Nunez (I) then fell for the 2nd time at age’s 28 years old on September 22nd in the year of 2014. Having suffered this painful subarachnoid hemorrhage, Ms. Nunez decided to educate and seek assistance in getting her problems solve. Upon selling her vehicle in 2015, she came across an angel in disguise. While the individual was looking into the purchase of the car, he then asked Ms. Nunez, “Why are you selling the vehicle?” That was when she replied, “I am seriously ill with a brain illness and trying to take a surgery.” He then told her how she can get a surgical procedure in Cuba, through the Ministry of Health. She then proceeded to get on her journey of the mention assistance. In 2015, she was called as the last candidate selected for the health assistance that year. (NOTE: only 3 participants is selected for the year). She spent 4 months in Cuba and did two (2) brain surgeries under the angiogram procedure. In April of 2016 Ms. Nunez had returned to her home in Belize, and decided to assist others that may be in the same or with brain disorder as she was. However, it was not an easy road and her work schedule and starting UB with her Bachelors in History, caused her to put it on pause. Then in the early part of 2018 she decided to take the idea extremely serious. After a state of anxiety on work site, Kaylia was given sick leave from February 27th, 2018. During her time of medical leave, she decided to gear her efforts towards her Brain Awareness NGO that would be beneficial for Belize. She gathered some board members, asked an old co-worker to be Director as he was knowledgeable in associations and forming NGOs. On Friday April, 20th 2018 the name Belize Brain Awareness Society (B.B.A.S) was registered.

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